Life is tough to understand sometimes, time to time it seems to be unpredictable, we can recognize this when our graphs boost up without much of efforts, or decline even after a lot of efforts, with crux of unstableness, as life doesn’t give us the same day everyday. Of course we must know, it’s not important that we have plans always and neither it is always possible that our life is according to our plans. We never know, what exactly our destiny has planned for us, how! life is going to teach us several lessons or, what next is going to happen to us or with us. Life is sheerly a mix of everything, love and hate, happiness and anger, relaxation and anxiety, fun and boredom, and these emotions are a part of life, because without having one we may never realise the opposite one, when it tends to happen to us, we always hear random people saying, sun rises everyday and a bad night will turn into a good day, and hereby by thinking a little hard we may realize if that bad day never existed, we won’t have ever been able to realize there is something as good day as well, thereby we get to know the importance of that immortal, sorrowful and unpleasant bad day, which helps us recognize the bright and dazzling good day which is also immortal though. We must know that what a person has achieved today or what a person has today regardless of the fact that it is bad or good for us, it is never stable. Stages of life with respect to unstableness amongst it’s three basic entities, demonstrated below via the penned down poem,

“A budding young mortal,
To blossom hastily,
Has it’s flourished vitality,
With lots of time wrapped in petals,
But, no penny currently…

A blossomed middle-aged mortal,
To wither refulgently,
Has it’s functioning vitality,
With lots of pennies swinging in sepals,
But, no time currently…

A withering venerable mortal,
To be reminisced perpetually,
Has it’s unbound pennies,
With lots of time hanging in bending stem,
But, no vitality currently…”

This tells how and why life is called unstable, as we never have anything for forever.

Now and then, we are so lost in our expectations that we are unable to realise the present, as most of the people amongst us are always engaged in a race amongst selves to have a better life, and ignore the fact that maybe a meager person, is actually wishing to live a life we do, with all the basic necessities and eliminating that realisation we are busy having a futile dream, of living a life that the richest person live accomplished with diamonds pierced in platinum, unaware of the fact that maybe, that person is searching for the happiness in his life, which surely has diminished even after having all sorts of luxuries and necessities executed, as a cause of achievement’s side effect, as we know if we need something we have to flush off the thing which becomes it’s barrier in our lives, and to achieve a sumptuous life, that person would have been required to leave behind a plenty of explored feats in previous life and every human carries a different set of lost parts, but, here we ignore that, that we do have what the richest person want, but ignoring it and not grabbing the essence just because we’re lost in our bogus fantasy and busy with the race with our own selves to have or become something better without embracing today. It is important, very important to think of future but, more than that, it is extremely important to be in present because, it is happening to us right now so we need to live it and not save grudges for future and extensively important is to always remember the good memories of life and the lessons too because if we don’t, life being a fabulous teacher will teach us the lessons again! It’s better to know the value of that chapter and pay attention whole heartedly because there is no point relearning a topic, if we can learn it right now, it is also crucial to always remember to give endearment to the people who are always supportive and are standing as stick to handle us, when we shiver, because even their lives aren’t stable and predictable and anything is possible.

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